Saturday, May 14, 2005


Pen going to Hell-ama dama ding dong

I love the concept of Halama, the funny name guy who can bail us out when our starters blow up early and occasionally pick up the doubleheader... I so want to like the guy.
Last night was a nightmare for those glowing hopes. I felt like I was just watching a replay, with hit after hit after hit. Clearly Halama was not the only one guilty of that. Which brings me to the growing question : What the fuck is wrong with our bullpen? I don't know a thing first-hand about actually playing baseball; I never even played softball. But I would assume they kind of... work on their location a bit while warming up, maybe? Wouldn't they? Why are these guys having such a hard time getting the ball where they want it? Is Captain's pitch-calling too sophisticated for these guys? I mean I know he likes to make pitchers go out of their comfort zone sometimes, but right now our bullpen hurlers seem to have no comfort zone at all. It's as if the Billy-bug took the form of "location issues" and infected the whole bunch of them.

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